Virtual Book Club Membership

Virtual Book Club Membership

per 4 months

My Book Club offers a four -month class with discussions that delve into selected books aimed at personal growth and spiritual development. I provide book recommendations, host engaging discussions, and offer exclusive giveaways like signed copies and prizes for members.

Additionally, members gain access to private online meetings, specialized coaching workshops, and discounts on private coaching sessions. This is a perfect opportunity to connect with others who share your commitment to growth and success while enriching your knowledge and faith journey.

Online Payment

Membership Fee
Virtual Book Club Membership

Per 4 months.

I’m Here to Listen and Support Your Goals

Thank you for your interest in Coach with Vanessa. Whether you’re seeking guidance, looking to overcome challenges, or simply want to learn more about how faith-based coaching and victorious career goal-setting strategies can transform your life, I’m here for you.